Wesley Tansey

Wesley Tansey

Wesley Tansey

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Computational Oncology

Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics


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I am a Principal Investigator and Assistant Attending Computational Oncologist in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. My work is focused on statistical machine learning methods and applications to cancer. If you are a PhD student or postdoc interested in working with me, please email me.

Before joining MSK, I was a postdoc at Columbia University and Columbia University Medical Center in New York. I worked with David Blei and Chris Wiggins at the Data Science Institute, and Raul Rabadan in the Program for Mathematical Genomics in Systems Biology.

I did my PhD in Computer Science at UT Austin working with James Scott. My PhD focused on machine learning methods with health and wellness applications, particularly those involving graphical models, Bayesian statistics, and scalable inference algorithms. I worked on projects ranging from obesity and nutrition modeling to wearable fitness devices and large-scale multiple hypothesis testing for fMRI studies.

In a previous life, I was a software engineering researcher working with Eli Tilevich at Virginia Tech, where I got my BS and MS in Computer Science. My Master's thesis focused on inference techniques that learn transformation rules to automatically upgrade legacy applications to use the latest version of a given API. I've also co-founded a couple of startups and was a quant at a hedge fund.


I will be giving an invited talk on September 30 at the Mathematics of Interpretable ML mini-symposium at SIAM's meeting on Mathematics of Data Science.

Super proud of our lab for having 6 posters at the ICML Workshop on Computational Biology, including Sophie Jaro who will give a Spotlight talk and Haoran Zhang who will give one of only two contributed talks. Chris Tosh also has an excellent paper at the main conference.

Welcome Jeff Quinn! Jeff is joining our lab as a Bioinformatics Software Engineer and is generally our ML ops engineer in the lab, helping scale up and harden software for our methods like BayesTME.

Permanent new lab member, Dorian Olivander Tansey born on 3/3/22!

I'll be giving a talk at the LivDat seminar series on "Big data science challenges in cancer medicine" on December 7.

Excited to have Christopher Tosh joining our lab as an Associate Research Scientist! Chris is working on adaptive experimental design for combinatorial drug screens. He is co-advised by David Dunson at Duke.

I'll be an Area Chair for AISTATS 2022.

I am giving a talk at the Selective Inference Seminar on conditional independence testing with machine learning models.